Used for pagers, trip reports, confirmations, faxes/emails, receipts and quotes.
Tokens are used to display information from the HWeb database on reports and printed material.  Tokens are also used with HWeb paging modules (basic and advanced).  These tokens can be mixed with static text creating customized pager messages, trip reports, credit card/direct bill receipts, vouchers, etc.
For all companions (returns) use Token Name plus number 2.  (i.e. Address2 is for a return (a.k.a. 2nd Leg), while Address22 is for a return on a second reservation that is in a list of multiple reservations)
Token Name Category Description
_AFFILIATEDET_ Advanced Enables affiliate profile tokens in reservation templates
_DRVDET_ Advanced Enables driver tokens in vehicle, trip & res templates
_EE_ Advanced End evaluation
_ENDIF_ Advanced Used to end a IF TRUE or IF STRING event 
_EV_ Advanced Begin evaluation (used to perform calculations)
_GROUPDET_ Advanced Enables group profile tokens in reservation templates
_IFS_ Advanced If string exists logic, used with _THEN_
_IFT_ Advanced If true logic, used with _THEN_
_NEWDOC_ Advanced Indicates page break
_NOCRLF_ Advanced Remove Carriage Returns and Line Feeds
_OrderByPickupTime_ Advanced Arranges reservations by pickup time of day
_PROFDET_ Advanced Enables individual profile tokens in res templates
_SALESDET_ Advanced Enables sales profile tokens in reservation templates
_THEN_ Advanced Used to perform display, used with _IFT_ and _IFS_
_TLEN_ Advanced Used to change the max length of any token put _TLEN_ in document then modify token to be %TOKEN:XX%  XX is maximum length
_UPPERCASE_ Advanced Used in pager template to convert all text to upper case
_VEHDET_ Advanced Enables vehicle tokens in driver, trip and res templates
!00000000-0! Barcode Res ID as a bar code per passenger (first leg)
!00000000-2! Barcode Res ID as a bar code per passenger (second leg)
!00000000! Barcode Res ID as a bar code for first leg (Special Fonts Req.)
!00000002! Barcode Res ID as barcode for second leg (Special Fonts Req.)
!AAAAAAAAAA0! Barcode Alt ResID as a bar code for first leg (Special Fonts Req)
!AAAAAAAAAA2! Barcode Alt ResID as a bar code for second leg (Sp. Fonts Req)
[Prefix.]Z1.Z2  Zone search mask ABSOLUTE  - Zone lookup mask engine supported formats. 
[Prefix.]Z1<>Z2  Zone search mask PROGRESSIVE  (creates 2-4 records)- Zone lookup mask engine supported formats.
[Prefix.]Z1<Z2  Zone search mask LOWEST TO HIGHEST - Zone lookup mask engine supported formats.
[Prefix.]Z1>>Z2  Zone search mask LEFT SIDE DECRAMENTING  (creates len(Z1) records) - Zone lookup mask engine supported formats.
[Prefix.]Z1>Z2  Zone search mask HIGHEST TO LOWEST  - Zone lookup mask engine supported formats.
%<prefix>ADDRESS% Profile Street address (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>ALTTELEPHONEA% Profile Alternate telephone number (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>AXL% Profile Address line (X=1 through 5) <address L1> [<address L2>] <City State, Zip code>
%<prefix>CITY% Profile City (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>CNAME% Profile Contact Name  (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>COMMENTS% Profile General comments (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>COUNTRY% Profile Country (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>EMAILADDR% Profile Email address (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>FAXNUMBER% Profile Fax number (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>ID% Profile ID (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>IDA% Profile WEBID or ID if now webid exists (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>NAME% Profile Name (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>NOTES% Profile General notes (Special instructions) (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>STATE% Profile State (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>TELEPHONE% Profile Primary telephone number (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>TELEPHONEA% Profile Primary telephone number (XXX) XXX-XXXX (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%<prefix>ZIPCODE% Profile Zip code (prefix=PROFILE,GROUP,SALES, or AFFILIATE)
%ADDRESS% Landmark  Landmark copy address
%AIRLINE% Flight Airline name
%AIRPORTA% Location Alternate display name for airport
%AIRPORTCHARGE% Fare Airport surcharge
%ALT2PASS% Pass. Count Number of alternate fare passengers (2)
%ALT3PASS% Pass. Count Number of alternate fare passengers (3)
%ALTFARE% Fare Fare plus Alternate fare
%ALTPASS% Pass. Count Number of alternate fare passengers
%ALTSPECIALINSTR% Reservation Special instructions2 from reservation
%ALTTELEPHONE% Reservation Alternate telephone number in ########## format
%ALTTELEPHONEA% Reservation Alternate telephone number in (###) ###-#### format
%APPROVALCODE% CC Info Approval code for credit card
%BAGCOUNT% Reservation Number of bags
%BAGGAGECHARGE% Fare Charge for baggage
%BASEALTFARE% Fare Base fare plus alternate fare plus fare
%BASEFARE% Fare Base fare of reservation
%BILLEND% Date/Time Billing end time (used in hourly reservations)
%BILLEND% Reservation Billing end time (used in hourly reservations)
%BILLINGMODE% Invoice Invoice Billing Mode
%BILLSTART% Date/Time Billing start time (used in hourly reservations)
%BILLSTART% Reservation Billing start time (used in hourly reservations)
%BNAME% Profile Billing name from profile
%BREAKLENGTH% Driver Indicates the total length of all breaks
%CANCEL<Date format>% Reservation Cancel TOD - last time the reservation was caneled
%CANCELBY% Reservation Canceled By - last person to cancel the reservation
%CANCELCHARGE% Reservation Charge amount associated with cancelation
%CANCELDISCOUNT% Reservation Cancelation charge discount amount
%CANCELID% Reservation Cancellation ID number for cancelled reservation
%CARSEAT% SvcExtra Indicates if car seat is required
%CASHFARE% Fare Current fare based on the selected payment type
%CCDETAILS% CC Info Name of credit card holder and address separated by at ^
%CCDETAILSADDRESS% CC Info Address of credit card holder
%CCDETAILSNAME% CC Info Name of credit card holder
%CCEXP% CC Info Credit card expiration date
%CCFARE% Fare Current fare based on the selected payment type
%CCNUM% CC Info Credit card number
%CCNUMR% CC Info Displays ONLY the last 4 digits of the credit card #
%CCNUMS% CC Info Security display (XXXX-) with last 4 digits showing
%CELLFILTER% Grid Used in quick filters. Filters on grid cell filed that is currently highlighted.
%CELLFILTERTITLE% Grid By including this in the quick filter caption, the value used in the cell filter will be included in the caption.
%CHARGETO% Misc Displays Charge To (additional billing details, Cost Center, Voucher #, etc
%CITY% Landmark  Landmark copy city
%CNAME% Profile Contact name from profile
%COMPANY% Internal Name of company
%COMPID% Reservation Flag used to display companion reservation number
%COMPSTR% Reservation Companion reservation number (a.k.a. return res)
%COUNTRY% Landmark  Landmark copy country
%DATE% Date/Time Current date MM/DD/YY (time of printing)
%DATE% Date/Time Current date MM/DD (time of printing)
%DATE07X% Date/Time Today’s date +07 (MM/DD/YY) (used w/ expirations)
%DATE10X% Date/Time Today’s date +10 (MM/DD/YY) (used w/ expirations)
%DATE14X% Date/Time Today’s date +14 (MM/DD/YY) (used w/ expirations)
%DATE30X% Date/Time Today’s date +30 (MM/DD/YY) (used w/ expirations)
%DBFARE% Fare Current fare based on the selected payment type
%DDROPOFF% Time/Distance Dropoff TOD set on trip status complete. dDropoffTOD field in DB Reservations table.
%DEPOSIT% Fare Deposit amount from payments tab
%DESTLIST% Email/Page List of emails separated by commas (Adv. Config)
%DESTLISTA% Email/Page Alt. list of emails separated by commas (Adv. Config)
%DIRECTION% or %DIR% Reservation Direction (arrival, departure, charter, etc)
%DIRECTIONA% or %DIRA% Reservation Alt. Direction (AR, DP, CH, etc)
%DIRECTIONCHARGE% Fare Direction surcharge
%DIRECTIONS% Reservation Cross street or driver instructions from reservation
%DIRECTIONSTR1% Strings Direction string #1 (direction configuration)
%DIRECTIONSTR2% Strings Direction string #2 (direction configuration)
%DIRECTIONV% or %DIRV% Reservation Database value for direction (A,D,C,etc)
%DISPEXPORTOPTIONS% Global Disp. Functions Grid export options
%DISPPRINTOPTIONS% Global Disp. Functions Grid print options
%DISPQUICKSELECTOPTIONS% Global Disp. Functions Quick select options
%DISPQUICKVIEWOPTIONS% Global Disp. Functions Quick view options
%DOARVLDATE% Date/Time DropOff Arrival date MM/DD/YY
%DOARVLTIME% Date/Time DropOff Arrival time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%DOARVLTIMEA% Date/Time DropOff Arrival time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%DOARVLTOD% Date/Time DropOff Arrival: MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%DODEPTDATE% Date/Time DropOff Departure date MM/DD/YY
%DODEPTTIME% Date/Time DropOff Departure time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%DODEPTTIMEA% Date/Time DropOff Departure: in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%DODEPTTOD% Date/Time DropOff Departure time: MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%DONBOARD% Time/Distance On board TOD set on trip status Onboard. dOnboard field in DB Reservations table.
%DORPTDATE% Date/Time DropOff Report date MM/DD/YY
%DORPTTIME% Date/Time DropOff Report time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%DORPTTIMEA% Date/Time DropOff Report time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%DORPTTOD% Date/Time DropOff Report: MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%DRIVER% Driver Driver’s name
%DRIVERADDRESS% Driver Driver’s street address
%DRIVERALTPHONENUMBER% Driver Driver’s alternate telephone number
%DRIVERCELLPHONENUMBER% Driver Driver’s cell number
%DRIVERCITY% Driver Driver’s city
%DRIVERCOMMADJ% Fare Commissionable fare adjustment for driver
%DRIVERCOMMENTS% Driver Driver’s comments
%DRIVERDNAME% Driver Display name (nickname) for driver
%DRIVEREMAIL% Driver Driver’s email
%DRIVEREMPID% Driver Driver’s employee ID
%DRIVERFAXPHONENUMBER% Driver Driver’s fax number
%DRIVERGRATUITY% Fare Gratuity from total gratuity overridden by driver gratuity
%DRIVERGROUPID% Driver Driver’s group ID
%DRIVERID% Driver Internal ID for driver 
%DRIVERNAME% Driver Same as %DRIVER%
%DRIVERPAGERPHONENUMBER% Driver Driver’s pager number
%DRIVERPHONENUMBER% Driver Driver’s primary telephone number
%DRIVERRATING Driver Driver’s rating
%DRIVERSSN% Driver Driver’s social security number
%DRIVERSTATE% Driver Driver’s state
%DRIVERZIPCODE% Driver Driver’s zip code
%DROPOFFA1L%-%DROPOFFA5L% Location Address line (1 through 5 available) <address L1> [<address L2>] <City State, Zip code>
%DROPOFFADDLINFO% Reservation Dropoff Location Pickup Point.  New field in F&A2.  List is anchored to a fare file location or a PUD.  Enabled in rate record Display additional address information
%DROPOFFADDRESS% Location Drop off address
%DROPOFFAIRPORTSTR1% Strings Airport string #1, if departures
%DROPOFFAIRPORTSTR2% Strings Airport string #1, if departures
%DROPOFFCITY% Location Drop off city
%DROPOFFCOUNTRY% Reservation set using the new fare file format.  Enabled in rate record Display Country.
%DROPOFFCROSSSTREET% Reservation Dropoff Location Cross Street.    New field in F&A2, fare file, PUDs, and Fares2.  Enabled in rate record Display cross street.
%DROPOFFDATE% Date/Time Drop off date MM/DD/YY
%DROPOFFDATEA% Date/Time Drop off date MM/DD
%DROPOFFDETAILS% Location Detailed information for dropoff (i.e. Unit/Room #)
%DROPOFFDOW% Date/Time Drop off day of week represented as 1-7 (Sun=1)
%DROPOFFKEY% Location Drop off key (airport code)
%DROPOFFLAT% Reservation Display map latitude and longitude. The values must first be set in PICKUPMAPINFO and DROPOFFMAPINFO fields either though geocoding or loaded from the fare file. The format of MAPINFO is latitude,longitude (numeric values separated by a comma).
%DROPOFFLOCATION% Location Location name of dropoff
%DROPOFFLOCATIONDISP% Reservation Dropoff Location Overlay location landmark name from Google.  This would be used instead of the Location Name if Google maps a location to a general location fare key (IE.  City, zip, 99999,...) but the location is a physical landmark building so it has a name.
%DROPOFFLOCATIONSTR1% Location DropOff Location description from fares.csv (Arrivals)
%DROPOFFLOCATIONSTR1% Strings Location string #1, if arrivals
%DROPOFFLOCATIONSTR2% Location DropOff Location description2 from fares.csv (Arrivals)
%DROPOFFLOCATIONSTR2% Strings Location string #2, if arrivals
%DROPOFFLONG% Reservation See %DROPOFFLONG% above
%DROPOFFMAPINFO% Reservation Information from map database for dropoff
%DROPOFFSECTOR% Location Drop off sector
%DROPOFFSTATE% Location Drop off state
%DROPOFFSTR1% Strings Dropoff string #1 (airport or location as applicable)
%DROPOFFSTR2% Strings Dropoff string #2 (airport or location as applicable)
%DROPOFFTIME% Date/Time Drop off time based on system setting
%DROPOFFTIMEA% Date/Time Drop off time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%DROPOFFTIMEM% Date/Time Drop off time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%DROPOFFTOD% Date/Time Drop off time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%DROPOFFUKPA% Reservation Drop-off UK postal code AREA - up to (not including)the first numeric
%DROPOFFUKPD% Reservation Drop-off UK postal code DISTRICT - up to (not including) the first space
%DROPOFFUKPDS% Reservation Drop-off UK postal code DISTRICT SHORT - DISTRICT - plus removes the last character if alpha
%DROPOFFZIP% Location Drop off zip code
%EMAILADDR% Reservation Email address from reservation
%EXCCHARGE% Fare Exception surcharge
%EXPxxxx% Date/Time Expiration date from voucher tool, used with TOD token
%EXTRASTOPCHARGE% Fare Extra stop surcharge
%EXTRASTOPS% ExtraStops Total number of extra stops
%FARE% Fare Total fare
%FARECALCMODE% Match Key Fare calculation mode being used
%FAREKEYn% Mapinfo search mask Where n=1 refers to 1st location, n=2 refers to 2nd location.
%FARENAME% Landmark  Landmark copy Location
%FAREZONEn% Zone search mask Where n=1 refers to 1st location, n=2 refers to 2nd location.
%FAXNUMBER% Reservation Fax number from reservation
%FIAIRLINE% FlightInfo Airline name, Full name or IATA code
%FIAIRPORT% FlightInfo Airport code (PickupKey/DropoffKey)
%FIARRAIRPORT% FlightInfo Arrival airport
%FIARRDATE% FlightInfo Arrival flight date in CCYYMMDD format
%FIARRTIME%  FlightInfo Arrival time HH:MM 24 hour format
%FIARRTIMEA%  FlightInfo Arrival time HH:MM AM/PM
%FIARRTIMED% FlightInfo Arrival time descriptors
%FIDATE% FlightInfo Flight date in CCYYMMDD format
%FIDEPAIRPORT% FlightInfo Departure airport
%FIDEPDATE% FlightInfo Departure flight date in CCYYMMDD format
%FIDEPTIME%  FlightInfo Departure time HH:MM 24 hour format
%FIDEPTIMEA% FlightInfo Departure time HH:MM AM/PM
%FIDEPTIMED% FlightInfo Departure time descriptors
%FIDIR% FlightInfo ARR if arrival, DEP if departure
%FIFLIGHT% FlightInfo Flight number
%FISTATUS% FlightInfo Status of the flight
%FISTATUS2% FlightInfo Flight status descriptor
%FLIGHTCHARGE% Fare Flight type charge
%FLIGHTCITY% Flight Flight city
%FLIGHTDATE% Date/Time Flight date MM/DD/YY
%FLIGHTDATEA% Date/Time Flight date MM/DD
%FLIGHTDOW% Date/Time Flight day of week represented as 1-7 (Sun=1)
%FLIGHTNUMBER% Flight Flight number
%FLIGHTTIME% Date/Time Flight time based on system time
%FLIGHTTIMEA% Date/Time Flight time in 12 hour format HH:MM AM/PM
%FLIGHTTIMEM% Date/Time Flight time in 24 hour format HH:MM AM/PM
%FLIGHTTOD% Date/Time Flight Time of Day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%FLIGHTTYPE% Flight Flight Type (International, Domestic, Customer Request)
%FLIGHTTYPEV% Flight Flight Type Value; Internal Database value for Flight Type: I, D, R
%FRFARE% Fare Frequent Rider “fare”
%GRATUITY% Fare Total gratuity for reservation
%GRATUITYA% Fare Total gratuity for reservation, if 0 then blank is shown
%GROUPCHARGE% Fare Group surcharge
%GROUPGRATUITY% Fare Gratuity from group profile
%GROUPIDA% Zone search mask Prefix to create customer specific zone rules. 
%GROUPNAME% Reservation Reservation group name
%HANDICAP% SvcExtra Indicates customer has disability
%HOURLYBILLABLEHOURS% Reservation Number of billable hours select in hourly reservation
%HOURLYBILLABLEHOURS% Time/Distance Billable hours
%HOURLYBILLABLERATE% Reservation Billable rate in hourly reservation
%HOURLYBILLABLERATE% Time/Distance Billable rate
%HOURLYDEADHEADHOURS% Time/Distance Deadhead hours
%HOURLYDEADHEADRATE% Time/Distance Dead head rate
%HOURLYDETAILS% Reservation Displays Charter/Hourly details from reservation
%HOURLYMINHOURS% Reservation Minium number of hours select in hourly reservation
%HOURLYMINHOURS% Time/Distance Minimum hours
%HOURLYMINRATE% Reservation Minium rate in hourly reservation
%HOURLYMINRATE% Time/Distance Minimum hours rate
%HOURLYRATE% Reservation Hourly rate as configured in Service Tab
%HOURLYRATE% Reservation Hourly rate as configured in Service Tab
%HOURLYRATE% Time/Distance Hourly rate as configured in Service Tab
%HOURS% Reservation Number of hours select in hourly reservation
%HOURS% Reservation Number o hours (used in hourly reservations)
%HOURS% Time/Distance Number of billable hours select in hourly reservation
%ID% Reservation Reservation ID
%IDA% Reservation Web/Partner/Local ID
%IDNUM% Reservation Passenger ID number
%ITINERARYID% Reservation Reservation Itinerary ID (Advanced Tab)
%KENNEL% SvcExtra Indicates if a kennel is brought on board
%LASTBREAK% Driver Last time driver or employee was on break. If one of the breaks is active will reflect NOW or if no breaks have occurred displays "--:--"
%LEG% Reservation Flag used to indicate 1st Leg, 2nd Leg or One Way
%LINKID% Grid When using broadcast grids, this tokens filters the chosen field on the broadcast receive value.
%LOADNUMBER% Reservation Reservation Load Number
%LOCATIONCHARGE% Fare Location surcharge (arrival or departure set in fare file)
%MADEBY% Reservation Person who called in reservation
%MAINALTPHONENUMBER% Internal Main alternate telephone number
%MAINALTPHONENUMBERA% Internal Main alternate telephone number in (###) ###-#### 
%MAINEMAIL% Internal Main email address for company
%MAINFAXPHONENUMBER% Internal Main alternate telephone number
%MAINFAXPHONENUMBERA% Internal Main alternate telephone number in (###) ###-#### 
%MAINPHONENUMBER% Internal Main telephone number
%MAINPHONENUMBERA% Internal Main telephone number in (###) ###-#### format
%MAINURL% Internal Main web page for company
%MAPINFO% Landmark  Landmark copy mapinfo
%MAPINFO% Reservation Information from map database from reservation
%MARK% Misc A generic version of PICKUPTRANSFER
%MIAPP% Time/Distance Mileage for all pickups
%MILEAGE% Match Key Miles
%MILEAGEBILLABLERATE% Time/Distance Billable rate
%MILEAGEBILLABLEUNITS% Time/Distance Billable miles/km
%MILEAGEDEADHEADRATE% Time/Distance Dead head rate
%MILEAGEDEADHEADUNITS% Time/Distance Deadhead miles/km
%MILEAGEDH% Match Key Dead head miles
%MILEAGEMINRATE% Time/Distance Minimum mileage rate
%MILEAGEMINUNITS% Time/Distance Minimum miles/km
%MILEAGET% Match Key Total miles
%MILEAGETOTAL% Match Key Total miles
%MISCCHARGE% Fare Miscellaneous surcharge
%MISCDISCOUNT% Fare Miscellaneous discount
%MITOBS% Time/Distance Mileage to Base
%MITOFP% Time/Distance Mileage to first pickup
%MKTG2CODE% Reservation Marketing code 2
%MKTG2CODEV% Reservation Marketing code 2 internal value
%MKTGCODE% Reservation Marketing code
%MKTGCODEV% Reservation Marketing code internal value
%MSGTEXT% Email/Page/Fax Fax/Email: used for ATTN lines - Paging: message used for quick paging
%NAME% Reservation Reservation name
%NL% Res. Templates New line aka. Carriage Return
%OPERATION% Reservation Displays the current reservation status
%OPERATIONA% Reservation Only displays when the status is not normal
%OPERATIONV% Reservation Displays the current internal reservation status
%OTHERFARE% Fare Current fare based on the selected payment type
%OTHERSRV% SvcExtra Other surcharge type / service extra
%PARAM% Grid Displays filter Parameters set in Admin when printing a Admin Custom Report.
%PARKING% Fare Parking fees
%PASSENGERS% Pass. Count Number of full fare passengers
%PAX% Pass. Count Total number of passengers (pass+alt+alt2)
%PAYMENTCHARGE% Fare Payment surcharge
%PAYMENTDISCOUNT% Fare Payment discount amount
%PAYMENTNOTES%  Payment Payment/accounting notes from agent screen
%PAYMENTSTATUS% or %PS% Payment Payment status (Collected Cash)
%PAYMENTSTATUSA% or %PSA% Payment Alternate Payment status (C$,CC,etc)
%PAYMENTSTATUSV% or %PSV% Payment Database value for payment status (0,1,etc.)
%PAYMENTTYPE% or %PT% Payment Type of payment (Cash on board)
%PAYMENTTYPEA% or %PTA% Payment Type of payment (C$, CC, etc.)
%PAYMENTTYPEV% or %PTV% Payment Database value for payment type (0,1,etc)
%PDn1% ExtraStops Displays extra stop indicator (Yes/No)
%PDn2% ExtraStops Displays the extra stop full fare passenger count
%PDn3% ExtraStops Displays the extra stop alternate passenger count
%PDn4% ExtraStops Displays the extra stop name
%PDn5% ExtraStops Displays the extra stop address
%PDn6% ExtraStops Displays the extra stop comments field
%PICKUP15TIME% Date/Time Pickup time plus 15 minutes based on system setting
%PICKUP15TIMEA% Date/Time Pickup time plus 15 minutes 12 hour format
%PICKUP15TIMEM% Date/Time Pickup time plus 15 minutes 24 hour format
%PICKUPA1L%-%PICKUPA5L% Location  Address line (1 through 5 available) <address L1>[<address L2>] <City State, Zip code>
%PICKUPADDLINFO% Reservation Pickup Location Pickup Point.    New field in F&A2.  List is anchored to a fare file location or a PUD.  Enabled in rate record Display additional address information
%PICKUPADDRESS% Location Street address of Pickup
%PICKUPAIRPORTSTR1% Strings Airport string #1, if arrivals
%PICKUPAIRPORTSTR2% Strings Airport string #2, if arrivals
%PICKUPCITY% Location City of pickup
%PICKUPCOUNTRY% Reservation set using the new fare file format.  Enabled in rate record Display Country.
%PICKUPCROSSSTREET% Reservation Pickup Location Cross Street.    New field in F&A2, fare file, PUDs, and Fares2.  Enabled in rate record Display cross street
%PICKUPDATE% Date/Time Date of pickup MM/DD/YY
%PICKUPDATEA% Date/Time Date of pickup MM/DD
%PICKUPDETAILS% Location Detailed information for pickup (i.e. Unit/Room #)
%PICKUPDOW% Date/Time Pickup day of week represented as 1-7 (Sun=1)
%PICKUPEXTRAS% PU Extra Extras (meet with sign, will call, etc.) (also %PE%)
%PICKUPEXTRASA% PU Extra Extras (meet, call, etc.) Alt. Display (also %PEA%)
%PICKUPEXTRASCHARGE% Fare Pickup extras surcharge (meet & greet fee)
%PICKUPEXTRASV% PU Extra Extras (S,W,etc) Database value
%PICKUPKEY% Location Pickup key (airport code)
%PICKUPLAT% Reservation Display map latitude and longitude. The values must first be set in PICKUPMAPINFO and DROPOFFMAPINFO fields either though geocoding or loaded from the fare file. The format of MAPINFO is latitude,longitude (numeric values separated by a comma).
%PICKUPLOCATION% Location Location name of pickup
%PICKUPLOCATIONDISP% Reservation Pickup Location Overlay location landmark name from Google.  This would be used instead of the Location Name if Google maps a location to a general location fare key (IE.  City, zip, 99999,...) but the location is a physical landmark building so it has a name.
%PICKUPLOCATIONSTR1% Location Pickup Location description from fares.csv (Departures)
%PICKUPLOCATIONSTR1% Strings Location string #1, if departures
%PICKUPLOCATIONSTR2% Location Pickup Location description2 from fares.csv (Departures)
%PICKUPLOCATIONSTR2% Strings Location string #2, if departures
%PICKUPLONG% Reservation See %PICKUPLONG% above
%PICKUPMAPINFO% Reservation Information from map database for pickup
%PICKUPORIG% Time/Distance Original pickup TOD.   PickupOrigTOD field in DB Reservations table.
%PICKUPRELM% Date/Time Pickup time relative to current time [(pickup time - current time = relative pickup time)]
%PICKUPSECTOR% Location Sector of pickup
%PICKUPSTATE% Location State of pickup
%PICKUPSTR1% Strings Pickup string #1 (airport or location as applicable)
%PICKUPSTR2% Strings Pickup string #2 (airport or location as applicable)
%PICKUPTIME% Date/Time Pickup time based on system setting
%PICKUPTIMEA% Date/Time Pickup time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%PICKUPTIMEM% Date/Time Pickup time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%PICKUPTOD% Date/Time Pickup time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%PICKUPTRANSFER% Misc A simple mark displaying that a transfer is required
%PICKUPUKPA% Reservation Pickup UK Postal Code AREA - up to (not including) the first numeric.
%PICKUPUKPD% Reservation Pickup UK Postal Code DISTRICT - up to (not includng) the first space.
%PICKUPUKPDS% Reservation Pickup UK Postal Code DISTRICT SHORT - DISTRICT - plus removes the last character if alpha
%PICKUPZIP% Location Zip code of pickup
%POSTCODEn% Zone search mask Where n=1 refers to 1st location, n=2 refers to 2nd location.
%POSTCODEUKDXn% Zone search mask Where n=1 refers to 1st location, n=2 refers to 2nd location.
%POSTCODEUKPXn% Zone search mask Where n=1 refers to 1st location, n=2 refers to 2nd location.
%POSTEDBY% Invoice Invoice - Name of user who Posted 
%PREFDRIVERNAME% Reservation Preferred driver name in reservation
%PREFVEHICLENAME% Reservation Preferred vehicle name in reservation
%PRIMARYDIR% Shortcuts \\PrimaryDir\
%PRINTEDBY% Invoice Invoice - Name of user who Printed
%PUARVLDATE% Date/Time Pickup Arrival date MM/DD/YY
%PUARVLTIME% Date/Time Pickup Arrival time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%PUARVLTIMEA% Date/Time Pickup Arrival time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%PUARVLTOD% Date/Time Pickup Arrival time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%PXNAMES% Reservation Display of extra stops names in list
%PXNAMESC% Reservation Display of extra stops names in a list, showing PAX count for each stop next to name when PAX>1
%READYTOGODATE% Date/Time Ready to go date MM/DD/YY
%READYTOGOTIME% Date/Time Ready to go time based on system time
%READYTOGOTIMEA% Date/Time Ready to go time in 12 hour format HH:MM
%READYTOGOTIMEM% Date/Time Ready to go time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%READYTOGOTOD% Date/Time Ready to go time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%REPLYTO% Email/Page Email address to reply to (Adv. Config)
%REPLYTOA% Email/Page Alternate email address to reply to (Adv. Config)
%REQUSERFIRSTNAME% Advanced Displays First name field set in User Defined field of User in user Access table.
%REQUSERID% Advanced Displays UserID field in User Defined field of User in user Access table.
%REQUSERIDALT% Advanced Displays Alternate ID field set per User in user Access table
%REQUSERLASTNAME% Advanced Displays Last name field set in User Defined field of User in user Access table.
%REQUSERV1% Advanced Displays V1= value set in User Defined field of User in user Access table.
%REQUSERV2% Advanced Displays V2= value set in User Defined field of User in user Access table.
%RESDATE% Date/Time Date reservation was made MM/DD/YY
%RESDOW% Date/Time Day of week res was made represented as 1-7 (Sun=1)
%RESEDITPID%  Process ID If web reservation site is configured for res edit, dialogue will launch. If reservation edit is not configured then verify template will be displayed.
%RESPAYMENT% Payment Prints ALL reservation payments for the primary reservation
%RESPAYMENTC% Payment Prints ALL reservation payments for the primary reservation and the companion reservation
%RESPAYMENTIDS% Payment Prints reservation payments records for the payment records selected from payments grid or payment records currently being 'Marked paid'
%RESPHONENUMBER% Internal Reservations telephone number
%RESPHONENUMBERA% Internal Reservations telephone number in (###) ###-####
%RESQCOPID% Process ID Quick Confirm 
%RESRMRPID% Process ID Rate My Ride
%RESRTGPID% Process ID Ready To Go
%RESTIME% Date/Time Time reservation was made based on system time
%RESTIMEA% Date/Time Time reservation was made in 12 hour format HH:MM 
%RESTIMEM% Date/Time Time reservation was made in 24 hour format HH:MM 
%RESTOD% Date/Time Time of day in the MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%RESWMVPID% Process ID Where's My Vehicle
%RETTYPE% Reservation Flag used to indicate “Round Trip” or “One Way”
%RETURN% Reservation Flag used to indicate a return reservation exists
%RETURNDISCOUNT% Fare Return discount amount
%RIDERSTATUS% or %RS% Reservation Usually normal.  Other statues include VIP and quick
%RIDERSTATUSA% or %RSA% Reservation Normal is blank.  Other statues include VIP and quick
%RIDERSTATUSV% or %RSV% Reservation Database value for rider status (N,V,1,etc.)
%RPMTAMOUNT% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment Amount
%RPMTCOMMENTS% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment Notes
%RPMTID% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment ID
%RPMTPAYMENTSTATUS% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment Status
%RPMTPAYMENTSTATUSA% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment Status Alernate value (Abbreviation)
%RPMTPAYMENTSTATUSV% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment Status (Database value)
%RPMTPAYMENTTOD% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment Date
%RPMTPS% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment Status
%RPMTPSA% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment Status Alternate value (Abbreviation)
%RPMTPSV% Payment Res Payment Token: Payment Status (Database value)
%RPMTRESID% Payment Res Payment Token: Reservation ID
%RPMTSOURCENAME% Payment Res Payment Token: Source Name
%SALES2TAX% Fare Tax2
%SALESDISCOUNT% Fare Sales discount amount
%SALESPHONENUMBER% Internal Sales telephone number
%SALESPHONENUMBERA% Internal Sales telephone number in (###) ###-#### format
%SCHEDSHIFTLENGTH% Driver Indicates the scheduled length of the shift (SchedEndTime-SchedStartTime)
%SECTOR% Landmark  Landmark copy sector
%SERVICE2CHARGE% Fare Service surcharge 2
%SERVICEAREA% Res. Templates Service Area
%SERVICEAREAV% Res. Templates Service Area (database value)
%SERVICECHARGE% Fare Service surcharge
%SERVICECHARGEX% Fare Service surcharge X (extended, works like TAX)
%SERVICEGRATUITY% Fare Gratuity from service configuration
%SERVICETYPE% Reservation Vehicle type
%SERVICETYPEA% Reservation Alternate vehicle type name
%SERVICETYPEV% or %SVCV% Reservation Database value for service type (1,2,3,etc.)
%SHIFTLENGTH% Driver Indicates the length of the shift (EndTime-StartTime). If the shift has not been ended, will reflect NOW-starttime.
%SHOPLEAVEDATE% Date/Time Shop Leave date MM/DD/YY
%SHOPLEAVETIME% Date/Time Shop Leave time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%SHOPLEAVETIMEA% Date/Time Shop Leave time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%SHOPLEAVETOD% Date/Time Shop Leave time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%SHOPRPTDATE% Date/Time Shop Report date MM/DD/YY
%SHOPRPTTIME% Date/Time Shop Report time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%SHOPRPTTIMEA% Date/Time Shop Report time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%SHOPRPTTOD% Date/Time Shop Report time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%SHORTCHARGE% Fare Short notice surcharge
%SINCELASTBREAK% Driver Time since the last break. If no breaks have occurred displays "--:--"
%SMTPSRVR% Email/Page Name of SMTP (Adv. Config)
%SMTPSRVRA% Email/Page Name of alternate SMTP (Adv. Config)
%SOONTOGO% Reservation Soon to Go status time
%SOONTOGO% Time/Distance Soon to go TOD set on trip status soon to go.
%SOURCENAME% Internal Agent ID who took reservation
%SOURCETYPE% Internal Reservation Source Type: Web, Local, Kiosk, vMDT, etc. 
%SOURCETYPEV% Internal Reservation Source Type Value: internal database value for Source Type; ## (1, 3, 6, etc.)
%SPECIALINSTR% Reservation Special instructions1 from reservation
%SRVEX10X% SvcExtra Other #10 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX11X% SvcExtra Other #11 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX12X% SvcExtra Other #12 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX13X% SvcExtra Other #13 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX14X% SvcExtra Other #14 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX15X% SvcExtra Other #15 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX16X% SvcExtra Other #16 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX17X% SvcExtra Other #17 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX18X% SvcExtra Other #18 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX19X% SvcExtra Other #19 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX20X% SvcExtra Other #20 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX6X% SvcExtra Other #6 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX7X% SvcExtra Other #7 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX8X% SvcExtra Other #8 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEX9X% SvcExtra Other #9 surcharge type / service extra
%SRVEXCHARGE% Fare Service extras surcharge
%STARTLOCATION% Driver Driver start location
%STATE% Landmark  Landmark copy state
%SUBFAREA% Fare SubFare A - configured from “Fares and Services”
%SUBFAREB% Fare SubFare B - configured from “Fares and Services”
%SUBFAREC% Fare SubFare C - configured from “Fares and Services”
%SUBFAREGR% Fare SubFare of fare components that Gratutity is caclulated on
%SUBFARESX% Fare SubFare of  Service Charge X
%SURCHARGE% Fare A total of pickup extras that were charged
%TELEPHONE% Landmark  Landmark copy Telephone
%TELEPHONE% Reservation Telephone number in ########## format
%TELEPHONEA% Reservation Telephone number in (###) ###-#### format
%TEMPLATEDIR% Shortcuts \\TemplateDir\
%TEMPLATEDIR2% Shortcuts \\TemplateDir2\
%TERMINAL% Flight Terminal number
%TIME% Date/Time Current time based on system setting (time of printing)
%TIMEA% Date/Time Current time in 12 hour clock (time of printing)
%TIMEAPP% Time/Distance Time from Pickup to DropOff  (DropOffTOD-PickupTOD=TIMEAPP)
%TIMEM% Date/Time Current time in 24 hour clock (time of printing)
%TIMETOBASE% Time/Distance Time to Base.
%TIMETOFP% Time/Distance Time to First pickup.
%TODAY% Grid Display current date (today's date)
%TODAYDDOW% Grid Display day of week long format (Sunday-Saturday)
%TODAYDOW% Grid Display day of week short format (Sun-Sat)
%TODMIL% Date/Time Current date and time in military time EX: 20070927154819 
%token:X% Res. Templates XML encapsulation
%TOLLS% Fare Tolls charges
%TOTALCASHFARE% Fare Trip: sum of all cash fares for all reservations
%TOTALCASHPMTAMT% Payment Res Payment Token: Total Cash Payments to date
%TOTALCCFARE% Fare Trip: sum of all credit card fares for all reservations
%TOTALCCPMTAMT% Payment Res Payment Token: Total Credit Card Payments to date
%TOTALCKFARE% Fare Trip use: sum of all Check fares
%TOTALCKPMTAMT% Payment Res Payment Token: Total Check Payments to date
%TOTALDBFARE% Fare Trip use: sum of all direct bill fares for all reservations
%TOTALDBPMTAMT% Payment Res Payment Token: Total Direct Bill Payments to date
%TOTALDISCOUNT% Fare Total discounts from a reservation
%TOTALDVFARE% Fare Trip use: sum of all Direct bill and Voucher fares
%TOTALDVPMTAMT% Payment Res Payment Token: 
%TOTALFARE% Fare Trip: sum of all fares in trip Agent: Total RT fare
%TOTALGRATUITY% Fare Total gratuities from a reservation
%TOTALOTFARE% Fare Trip use: sum of all Prepaid Other fares
%TOTALOTHERFARE% Fare Trip use: sum of all Check and Prepaid Other fares
%TOTALOTHERPMTAMT% Payment Res Payment Token: Total Other Payments to date
%TOTALOTPMTAMT% Payment Res Payment Token: Total Other Payments to date
%TOTALPMTAMT% Payment Res Payment Token: Total Payments to date
%TOTALVCFARE% Fare Trip use: sum of all Voucher fares
%TOTALVCPMTAMT% Payment Res Payment Token: Total Voucher Payments to date
%TRAILER% SvcExtra Indicates if a trailer is required
%TRAVELTIME% Match Key Travel time
%TRAVELTIMEBILLABLERATE% Time/Distance Billable rate
%TRAVELTIMEBILLABLEUNITS% Time/Distance Billable travel time
%TRAVELTIMEDEADHEADRATE% Time/Distance Dead head rate
%TRAVELTIMEDEADHEADUNITS% Time/Distance Deadhead travel time
%TRAVELTIMEDH% Match Key Dead head travel time
%TRAVELTIMEMINRATE% Time/Distance Minimum travel time rate
%TRAVELTIMEMINUNITS% Time/Distance Minimum travel time
%TRAVELTIMET% Match Key Total travel time
%TRAVELTIMETOTAL% Match Key Total travel time
%TRIPALTPASSENGERS% Trip Total alternate passengers
%TRIPALTPASSENGERS2% Trip Total alternate passengers 2
%TRIPCARSEAT% Trip Total number of car seats required for trip
%TRIPDESCRIPTION% Trip String that describes the type of trip (scheduled run)
%TRIPDIRECTION% Trip Direction (arrival, departure, charter, etc)
%TRIPDRIVER% Trip Name of the driver assigned to a trip
%TRIPDROPOFFLIST% Trip List of dropoff locations
%TRIPENDDATE% Trip Trip end date MM/DD/YY
%TRIPENDDATELONG% Trip Trip end date in the format of MONTH DAY, YEAR
%TRIPENDTIME% Trip Trip end time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%TRIPENDTIMEA% Trip Trip end time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPENDTOD% Trip Trip end time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPESTENDDATE% Trip Trip estimated end date MM/DD/YY
%TRIPESTENDTIME% Trip Trip estimated end time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%TRIPESTENDTIMEA% Trip Trip est. end time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPESTENDTOD% Trip Est. end time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPESTSTARTDATE% Trip Trip estimated start date MM/DD/YY
%TRIPESTSTARTTIME% Trip Trip estimated start time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%TRIPESTSTARTTIMEA% Trip Trip est. start time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPESTSTARTTOD% Trip Est. start time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPFARE% Trip Total fare for trip
%TRIPFPADDR% Trip Street address of customer from first pickup
%TRIPFPDATE% Trip First pickup date MM/DD/YY
%TRIPFPKEY% Trip Key of first pickup
%TRIPFPLOCATION% Trip Location of customer from first pickup
%TRIPFPNAME% Trip Name of customer from first pickup 
%TRIPFPTIME% Trip First pickup time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%TRIPFPTIMEA% Trip First pickup time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPFPTOD% Trip First pickup time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPHANDICAP% Trip Total handicaps for trip
%TRIPID% Trip Trip ID (if paged from trip grid)
%TRIPINROUTEDATE% Trip Trip inroute date MM/DD/YY
%TRIPINROUTETIME% Trip Trip inroute time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%TRIPINROUTETIMEA% Trip Trip inroute time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPINROUTETOD% Trip Trip inroute time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPKENNEL% Trip Total number of kennels required for trip
%TRIPLDADDR% Trip Street address of customer from last dropoff
%TRIPLDDATE% Trip Last dropoff date MM/DD/YY
%TRIPLDKEY% Trip Key of last dropoff
%TRIPLDLOCATION% Trip Location of customer from last dropoff
%TRIPLDNAME% Trip Name of customer from last dropoff
%TRIPLDTIME% Trip Last dropoff time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%TRIPLDTIMEA% Trip Last dropoff time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPLDTOD% Trip Last dropoff time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPMAXPASS% Trip Maximum passengers allowed on trip
%TRIPMAXSTOPS% Trip Maximum number of stops allowed on trip
%TRIPOTHERSRV% Trip Total number of other services for trip
%TRIPPASSENGERS% Trip Total full fare passengers
%TRIPPAX% Trip Total PAX (passengers+alt+alt2) in trip 
%TRIPPICKUPEXTRAS% Trip Total number of pickup extras required for trip
%TRIPPICKUPLIST% Trip List of pickup locations
%TRIPRIDERSTATUS% Trip Rider status of trip (Normal,VIP, Quick, etc)
%TRIPRIDERSTATUSA% Trip Rider status of trip (Normal is blank)
%TRIPSERVICETYPE% Trip Service type for this trip
%TRIPSKDESC% Trip Description of scheduled run
%TRIPSKID% Trip ID for scheduled run
%TRIPSPECIALINSTR% Trip Trip special instructions
%TRIPSPECIALINSTR% Trip Special instructions for trip
%TRIPSTARTDATE% Trip Trip start date MM/DD/YY
%TRIPSTARTTIME% Trip Trip start time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%TRIPSTARTTIMEA% Trip Trip start time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPSTARTTOD% Trip Trip start time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%TRIPSTOPS% Trip Number of stops (reservations) for a trip
%TRIPSTOPS% Trip Total number of unique stops based on number of reservations on trip
%TRIPSTOPST% Trip Total number of  stops including extra stops
%TRIPTRAILER% Trip Total number of trailers required for trip
%TRIPVEHICLE% Trip Number (name) of the vehicle assigned to a trip
%UD_xxxx% Res. Templates User defined field
%USERFILTER% Grid Used in quick filters.  Launches Quickview Filter window.
%USERFILTERTITLE% Grid By including this in the quick filter caption, the value used in the user filter will be included in the caption.
%USERGRATUITY% Fare Gratuity from INDIVIDUAL Profile
%USERID% Internal Current agent login name
%USERID% Shortcuts Login user ID (i.e.  Hudson)
%USERV1% and %USERV2% Advanced V1=<value1>[,V2=<value2>] set in the user defined string of the user's access profile
%VARIANCE% Fare Current variance of a reservation
%VECHICLECOMMADJ% Fare Commissionable fare adjustment for vehicle
%VEHICLE% Vehicle Display name of vehicle
%VEHICLECOLOR% / %VEHICLECOLORV% Vehicle Color of vehicle (V - option internal color value)
%VEHICLECOMMENTS% Vehicle Comments assigned to vehicle
%VEHICLEDNAME% Vehicle Display name for vehicle
%VEHICLEID% Vehicle Internal ID for vehicle
%VEHICLEMAKE% Vehicle Make of vehicle
%VEHICLEMAXPASS% Vehicle Maximum number of passenger allowed in vehicle
%VEHICLEMODEL% Vehicle Model of vehicle
%VEHICLERATING%/ %VEHICLERATINGV% Vehicle Rating of vehicle (V - option internal rating value)
%VEHICLEREG% Vehicle Registration (plate) number of vehicle
%VEHICLETYPE% / %VEHICLETYPEV% Vehicle Type of vehicle (V – option internal vehicle type value)
%VEHICLEYEAR% Vehicle Year of vehicle
%WAITINGCHARGE% Fare Waiting surcharge
%WAITINGTIME% Match Key Waiting time
%WAITINGTIME% Time/Distance Waiting time
%WEBDISCOUNT% Fare Web discount amount
%XFFPEAKCHARGE% Fare Off peak surcharge
%YARDARVLDATE% Date/Time Yard Arrival date MM/DD/YY
%YARDARVLTIME% Date/Time Yard Arrival time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%YARDARVLTIMEA% Date/Time Yard Arrival time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%YARDARVLTOD% Date/Time Yard Arrival time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%YARDDEPTDATE% Date/Time Yard Departure date MM/DD/YY
%YARDDEPTTIME% Date/Time Yard Departure time in 24 hour format HH:MM
%YARDDEPTTIMEA% Date/Time Yard Departure time in 12 hour format HH:MM am/pm
%YARDDEPTTOD% Date/Time Yard Depart time of day MM/DD/YY HH:MM am/pm
%ZIP% Landmark  Landmark copy postal code
%ZIPCODEn% Zone search mask Where n=1 refers to 1st location, n=2 refers to 2nd location.
%ZIPn% Zone search mask Where n=1 refers to 1st location, n=2 refers to 2nd location.